Collusion Credits, Acknowledgements and Attributions
The Game of Collusion was partially made possible by the following artists and photographers who have licensed their artworks via Creative Commons licenses. Please note that the images they provided were further modified by See Through LLC.
- Donald Trump caricature by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- David Dennison aka Donald Trump caricature by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Donald Trump, Jr. caricature by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Steve Bannon caricature by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Michael Cohen caricature by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Michael Flynn caricature by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Jared Kushner caricature by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Paul Manafort caricature by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Robert Mercer caricature by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Vladimir Putin carrying his buddy Donald Trump cartoon by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Stormy Daniels (Stephanie Clifford) caricature by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- The US $10,000 bill used in part to create the Stormy Daniels Hush Money scandal card was based on an image from the National Numismatic Collection at the Smithsonian Institution
- The Trump Tower scene card is based on a photographic image by Bin image Garten
- The Lubyanka Building in the KGB HQ scene card is based on a photographic image by A. Savin, Wikimedia Commons, licensed via CC
- The Kremlin scene card is based on a photographic image by Julmin
- The Russian Embassy scene card is based on a photographic image by Aaron Siirila
- The Roger Stone caricature (planned additional suspect card) is also by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Used in Spineless Mitch, the Mitch McConnell caricature is also by DonkeyHotey/Flickr - image
- Specialty fonts freely licensed by Ubuntu and Font Awesome
- Other artworks may be original, proprietary and/or derived from public domain or similarly licensed images that do not require attribution
Any derivative artworks from those images listed specifically above are licensed via Creative Commons share-alike licenses, if so required by their creators. In some cases, the images listed above may themselves be derivative artworks from similarly licensed images. See e.g. Creative Commons 2.0 license.
Otherwise, The Game of Collusion is copyright (c) 2018 by See Through LLC - All rights reserved, worldwide
The Game of Collusion is no longer available.